Night Photography: Night Writerz Podcast Interview with Joe Reifer

White Tractor -- by Joe Reifer
White Tractor -- by Joe Reifer

The latest episode of the Night Writerz podcast features an interview with yours truly. Open up iTunes on your Mac or PC, search for the Night Writerz, and subscribe! Here's direct link to episode #7 of this great podcast dedicated to night photography. The episode starts with a slideshow of night photography -- make sure iTunes is setup to see the images at bottom left.

The interview starts at 5 minutes into the episode, and covers a wide range of night photography topics including exposure considerations, light painting, workshops, and the San Francisco Bay Area night photography community. Many thanks to Chad Clark of the Night Writerz for having me on the show! And check out the past episodes, including interviews with Troy Paiva, Chris Conrad, and Dave Black.


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